Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Esperance Primary School. We are a local intake school (please refer to the Local Intake Area Map for school boundaries). Students who reside outside these areas may apply for enrolment but must provide a letter addressed to the Principal supporting their application. An enrollment application does not guarantee your child a place at Esperance Primary School. All applications are considered and selections are made in line with the Department of Education's selection criteria. Applications are ranked according to these selection criteria, in the following order:
PRIORITY 1 - Children whose:
- usual place of residence is in the intake area for the school;
- who will have a sibling enrolled at the school for that year;
- and lives nearest the school.
PRIORITY 2 - Children whose:
- usual place of residence is in the intake area for the school;
- who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school for that year;
- and lives nearest the school.
PRIORITY 3 - Children whose:
- usual place of residence is not in the intake area for the school;
- who does have a sibling enrolled at the school for that year;
- and lives nearest the school.
PRIORITY 4 - Children whose:
- usual place of residence is not in the intake area for the school;
- who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school for that year;
- and lives nearest the school.
Please download, complete and return all of the below forms along with the checklist of supporting documentation to the School Office or email Esperance.PS@education.wa.edu.au
Along with your completed forms, please ensure the following supporting documentation accompanies your application for enrolment. Photocopying of supporting documents can be provided at time of lodgement, or copies to be attached if emailing completed Application for Enrolment.
- Your child’s Birth Certificate
- Your child’s Australian Childhood Immunisation Record (ACIR) History Statement (dated within 2 months of the enrolment application). Copies can be requested by telephoning ACIR on 1800 653 809 or emailing acir@humanservices.gov.au
- Proof of your current address (eg recent utilities account, lease agreement of at least three months, proof of ownership of property ie. rates notice)
- Copies of Family Court orders for confirmation of proof of name or custody arrangements
- Visa details if applicable
- Letter to Principal if applying out of Local Intake Area
Applications will not be processed until all supporting information is received. In accordance with the Education Act (1999), Division 2.20, the Principal reserves the right to review enrolment if it is found that false or misleading information has been provided. This applies in instances both prior to, and after the student has commenced at the school.