At the heart of our school you can find our library that is stocked with an assortment of fiction and non-fiction texts that are of high interest to all students. This flexible space has been configured to allow students to comfortably enjoy the solitude of reading, while also providing an opportunity for students to become familiar with the library and the skills associated.
Across the school, from Pre-Primary to Year 6, weekly library visits are incorporated into class timetables. During this time Pre-Primary students are able to borrow one book, and Year 1-6 students may borrow two books. Extra items can be loaned by arrangement with Mrs Sara Pope, the library officer. Although, access to the school library does not end here, students are welcome to visit the library to exchange books or relax during lunchtimes on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Most of all, students are encouraged to find the beauty in books and the opportunities that they can present. Exposing students to a wide range of books helps them to find their fit or step outside of their comfort zone to find something new. Accelerated Reader (AR) is a wonderful reading program that all students in years 3-6 at Esperance Primary School participate in. The P&C have kindly supported this initiative to further enhance the reading culture at our school. At Esperance Primary School we are committed to assisting students in their reading, a necessary skill that they will need to be successful in the future.
The school library is using Oliver as the library management system. If you would like to view our collection of books from home, you may follow the link here: NEW LINK!